It's hard to believe, but 2018 is the EIGHTH year of this Gratitude Challenge!
I'm sharing the prompts a bit early this year so everyone who wants to participate can have a chance to prepare (and get a head start on thinking about gratitude!). I personally like tracking gratitude daily in my Every Day Matters diary, but even though I do it daily, focusing on a single word each day throughout November has served as a wonderful way to move toward the end of the year on a thankful note.
Like last year, I'll be sharing my illustrations on Instagram daily (follow me on Instagram if you're not already!), but most people choose to to share photographs. Do whatever works best for you. It's all about connecting with what you're grateful for, so the method is less important than the content. If you're new to the Challenge, read on for details!
- “Challenge” is just a word.
The goal of the Challenge is to take and/or share something (a photo, illustration, quote, etc.) every day using the prompts to help you feel more appreciative. Feel free to get creative, make up your own prompts, etc. And don’t feel pressured to attain perfection, either. Thankfulness is what it’s all about; no need to be a professional photographer or artist!
- Join in at any time.
The point of the Challenge is to focus on staying thankful for thirty days. You can start the challenge on November 1 and do it for the whole month (as I am doing), or you can start the challenge any day that works for you and follow along at your own pace. I see people discovering and partaking in the Challenge all year 'round so don't feel limited to November!
- Use the hashtag #Gratitude30.
Sharing your pics on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.? If you tag them with #Gratitude30, others can see them and you’ll be able to see all of the other cool things that other people are sharing. It's one of my favorite things ever to look through all of the posts and see the various ways people interpret the prompts.
- Save or print out a reminder.
Keep up with the prompts by downloading the photo above (save it to your phone, perhaps!) or, if you’re more of a IRL type, print out a version to post wherever you'd find a reminder helpful so you can stay on top of the prompts. Of course, you don't have to do them all in a row, but there is something special about spending 30 days focusing on what you're thankful for.
It's said that home is where the heart is, but what does the word "home" mean to you? Is it where you rest your head each night? Is it where you grew up? Or is home more of a state of mind? Whatever home means to you, reflect on it and share a photo of it today.
We all find unique inspiration in the world around us. On Day 2, consider what inspires you to get out of the bed in the morning. What inspires you to keep working, loving, living? Use today as an opportunity to share your favorite source of inspiration.
Of course, we couldn't do this without mentioning love. There are so many kinds of love (romantic, friendship, etc.) and each one is deserving of your gratitude. How do you share love in your life? How do you accept it? How does it make you feel when you think of the word "love"?
If you can't tell from my colorful site, there are few things I love more than color. It's something I'm incredibly grateful for on a daily basis. How do you feel about color? Which ones are your favorites? What colors inspire feelings of happiness? Share those today!
For each and every one of us, the word "happiness" might mean something different. Try not to place any judgment on what makes you happy. Just contemplate it today and then find a way share with the world. Don't forget to use #Gratitude30!
Someone once asked me what is the one thing I couldn't live without and I immediately answered: words. Words are my passion, but even if you're not passionate about words, I bet they've had a profound influence on your life. Share your favorites -- a single word, a quote, etc. -- today.
While staying present is very important, reflecting on positive memories can be uplifting. Consider your favorite moment or item from the past. What was wonderful about it? How do you feel when you think of that time / thing / person?
Look around for whatever nature you can find. No matter where you live, there's likely to be something natural that can inspire you. What is inspiring or beautiful about what you see? What elements of nature do you most connect with? When are you most in touch with nature?
Laughing is one of the best activities in life, and I'm grateful for every moment I spend laughing. Today, reflect on what makes you laugh. Is it a movie? A book? A joke? A memory? A friend? Whatever evokes that giddy sense of joy within you, be thankful for it.
Music is an aspect of life I'm immensely grateful for. (Check out my playlists on Spotify!) There are songs for every occasion and mood and hearing the right one can change everything. What kind of music do you enjoy? What song is your favorite right now?
This prompt can go one of two ways: (1) you could share a gift that someone else that has given you that you're thankful to have received, or (2) you can share your gratitude for a gift/talent that you possess. Whatever you choose, focus on being thankful for life's gifts.
Reflect on the wisdom you've received (or gained!) in your life. Who is the wisest person you know? What have you learned from him/her? Or, reflect specifically on a piece of advice or an experience that's made you wiser.
What you consider "art" is unique to you. Even if you don't consider yourself artistic, you know what appeals to you when you see it. Ask yourself: What art do I see on a daily basis? What art have I seen that's positively impacted my life?
Many of us (especially me!) are creatures of habit. What positive routines do you have in your life? What is it about those routines that keeps you doing them? Do they make your life easier? What elements of them are you thankful for?
Clothing is a something we often take for granted, but we are fortunate to have it. What attire are you the most thankful for? What item makes you happy every time you wear it? What item has an important meaning for you?
New things and experiences are exciting! What's been added to your life over the past year? What's changed since last November? Do you have new friends, new experiences, new mindsets? If you're struggling with this prompt, go out and do something new today!
Without the bad weather, we'd never appreciate the good. Weather itself is a reminder to be grateful, which makes it a great thing to focus on today. How do you feel when the sun shines? When the storm clouds gather? What is the weather today and how does it make you feel?
For all of us, food is life-giving, which means it's a pretty great thing to be grateful for. What is your favorite food? Why? What tastes (sweet, salty, etc.) are you most drawn to? What flavors entice and excite you? Celebrate (and maybe eat!) your favorites today.
Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. What beauty are you grateful to see or experience? What things make your home, office, neighborhood, etc. more beautiful? Who around you embodies the essence of beauty? What do you find beautiful about yourself?
Today, be grateful for and celebrate the friendships in your life. Who has been by your side no matter what? Who can you call, day or night, for a chat? Who puts a smile on your face when you think of his/her name?
I've always loved technology, and I'm so thankful to have it in my life. In what ways does technology change your life for the better? What are you most thankful for when it comes to the technological advances in our world today?
Family — no matter what shape or size it comes in — is something we're all lucky to have in our lives. Take note of your family today (and "family" can include friends, too!). What do you love about them? What do you often take for granted?
What we smell can be transformative, memory-making, and important. Consider what your favorite smells are and why. How do they make you feel? Why do you like feeling that way? Today, be thankful for the aromas in your life.
Consider how much you've learned since the day you were born. Pretty amazing, isn't it? I bet in the last year alone, you've learned tons of things you didn't know before. What are you thankful to know? What knowledge resources are you thankful to have?
Comfort is a gift — whether it's in the form of physical comfort (a hug, a blanket) or an emotional outlet (a good listener, wise advice). What things, people, or situations make you feel most comforted? Be thankful for those things in your life today.
We all have limited amounts of time, which is one reason we should be so grateful for whatever we've been given. How do you like to spend your time? What would you do if you had more time? What does the word "time" mean to you?
Most of what we have in our lives (other than food and shelter) is a wonderful luxury. What luxuries do you have in your life that you're thankful for? A car to drive you where you need to go? A bookshelf stuffed with books? Recognize (and appreciate!) your luxuries.
Being thankful for work might be a challenge, but consider how work makes your life better. It provides income, and it can challenge, inspire, and excite you. Why are you fortunate to have a job? How does this job improve your life, or at least help you in some way?
Even if you don't think you're "creative," every day you create something. You create connections, experiences, conversations. You might create art and music and magic. Consider what you have created recently. How did it feel? What would you like to create more of?
The one thing you will always have in your life, no matter what, is yourself. On the final day of the challenge, consider all the ways you are amazing and appreciate the good (and not so good!) parts of yourself. What do you love most about you?
Even though this is the eighth year of the challenge, I'm still so excited to see what everyone posts! Being thankful can sound like cliched advice, but it really does make a positive difference. If you've never done the Challenge before, I highly recommend you give it a try. Even if you can't post every day or don't want to do it for 30 days, urging yourself to focus on gratitude as much as possible will help you stress less, allow you to feel more positive, and provide a fresh perspective. I'll be checking the #Gratitude30 hashtag and I'll begin posting my work on November 1. Can't wait to share and see what's being shared!
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